Friday, March 8, 2013

2 years later...

Jennie brought to my attention last night that it is almost exactly 2 years since we came home from Chile. It seems like forever ago and just yesterday at the same time. I decided I should start keeping our family blog again. I've been occupied during the last 2 years keeping up Stephen's cancer blog. That is most of what our lives rotated around. Here is what else has happened in the last 2 years. For Jeff, we will call them the 'Consulting Years.' About 2 years ago he started consulting for Anglo-American. Anglo is a large mining company that had operations in Chile. He completed a 6 month contract with them while the rest of us moved back to the USA. He joined us when the contract finished. From there, he did consulting with a couple other small consulting companies in Utah, and finally for E-bay. February 4th he began working again as an 'employee' for EMC, a large consulting firm that has an office in Draper, UT. For me, we will call the last 2 years the 'Teaching Years.' Upon returning from Chile, I began teaching at Sylvan in American Fork, from there,I taught math at Heritage Schools, a psychiatric residential treatment center for youth in Provo. As Stephen needed more care, I quit working full time and went part time for Alpine School District, teaching 7th grade Math at Mountain Ridge Junior High. I've really enjoyed being a teacher. I've gained greater respect for teachers and greater understanding of the skills my own children need to have. These teaching jobs blessed us with health insurance during the time Jeff was working as an independent consultant. I have made hundred of thousands of dollars teaching the last 2 years! Jared and MJ (Maria Jose) - For Jared, the last two years he has worked on becoming the top salesman for his company. He sells energy efficiency solutions to home owners in California. For MJ, we will call her last two years the 'English years.' She has worked really hard and has become an excellent speaker of English. We could also call them the 'running years' as she has picked up the hobby of running. Both she and Jared are going to run a marathon this June. Sarah has focused on schooling and health care. She finished her bachelor degree in Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations. She helped in many ways with Stephen's treatments and care. They went on 'field trips' all over Salt Lake City after radiation and other treatments. She started her first 'full time' job and is loving it. We could call her years the 'Entry to Adulthood.' Not sure she will like that title but I think it fits. She took on Adult problems and handled them with grace. Stephen - we all know the last 2 years as the 'cancer years.' They are well documented in the blog: Jennie - School has been the focus. The 'Education Years.' She finished high school at Lone Peak and entered college at UVU. Friends and social activities rounded out any free time she had. She also spent much of the last 2 years becoming best friends with her brother Stephen. So maybe she should call her last two years the 'BFF years' The things those two talked about and the trouble they got into! Stephen was really fun at sporting events when he was on steroids! Nate - we'll call his the 'growing years.' He went from being a foot shorter than Jeff to being a half an inch taller than Jeff. He entered Junior High, became an Aaronic priesthood holder and ate lots of food! 'Becoming a Teen' is what he's been up to. Now he brushes his teeth, puts on deodorant, and makes sure his hair looks perfect before I even ask! He's gone from being able to do 1 push up to doing more than I can count. Sounds like a teen age boy! Josh - Spent the last 2 years 'becoming a hero.' First he was heroic about moving around and changing schools, then he was heroic about the was he became a voracious reader, and finally he was heroic by become a stem cell donor to help Stephen with his cancer treatments. It's got to be exhausting doing all that hero work. Besides all of that, he two has grown like crazy! I'm not sure how tall he is but he wears size 8 1/2 shoes and so he is perfect for all of Stephen's shoes (size 9) that all the other boys in the family are too big for. He loves wearing them and we love seeing those shoes kicking around. So there you have it...we are all caught up. I should add that we gained one more family member 'Perlita' Stephen's 'little pearl'. She is about 5 months old and has brought our house so much joy and happiness in the last 5 months. She is the perfect little dog for us. What will the next 2 years bring? Who knows. It is amazing what can happen in a couple years time. I will end this post with some advice from Stephen...There is something good about every day. Find it and enjoy the day.